Powerwalking Tips


TIMG_0096he foundation of Powerwalking is good posture. The spine should be elongated by standing straight, tall and relaxed, whilst tucking your bottom under body and keepings abs engaged. Use gravity to propel you forward with a moderate lean forward from the ankle. 




  • Head. Your head should be in a neutral position (chin parallel to the ground), looking neither up nor down.  Keep your eyes focused about 15 meters in front of you.
  • Shoulders. Your shoulders should be back and down away from your ears. As you get tired, check to make sure you haven’t started to hunch or shrug your shoulders.
  • Chest. Your chest should be open and lifted from the waist. As you walk, imagine a string attached to the top of your head that’s pulling you skywards. This will keep your back straight and your chest open for optimal breathing.
  • Abdominals . Pull in your abs (think naval to spine) to support your lower back and tighten your bottom.  Imagine you are holding a £50 note between the cheeks of your bottom. Contracting your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles levels the pelvis, which helps build strong core muscles. This helps build a flatter tummy and stronger back.
  • Arms. Keep the elbow bent at a 90 degree angle by your side (almost brushing your hips with each step). Your legs will follow the pace set by your arms. It is the back swing that creates the engine with which to drive the quicker leg action. Only bring the hands as far as the chest and move your arms like a pendulum. Try to avoid clenching your fists, which will create tension through the arms, shoulders and chest.
  • Leg stride. Once you have your natural stride length set, you can walk faster by reducing your stride and taking quicker, not longer, steps. Walk as though your legs start from the waist and really extend your legs from the hips. To facilitate the quicker leg movement, it is likely that the pelvis will rotate more at the quicker speed and tight stride width. This is natural. Don’t exaggerate this move as it may strain the lower back.
  • Foot action. Try to land on the heel of your foot and then transfer the weight down the outside of the sole to the ball of the foot. The ankle should be flexed with toes pointed upward at about 45 degrees. As the body’s weight passes over the leading leg, the foot should roll forward and push off from the toes to begin the next step. Really use your toes to push off with to give your step a little more punch. With the quicker leg speed, the toes of the front foot will need to be pulled up to the shin more (dorsiflexion). This prevents the toe dragging as the leg comes through. This extra toe-lift may lead to tension in the shin muscle. Avoid lifting your other foot until the big toe on your forward foot has landed firmly on the ground. The foot placement should be in front of the body, as if almost walking along a straight line.
  • Forward Lean. As you walk quicker, the natural tendency is to lean forward from your ankle (not waist) and the impact is transmitted through the natural curve of the spine. As you lean, gravity pulls you forward and your feet will land underneath you.
  • Breathing. Breathe in rhythm with your stride from your diaphragm, not your chest. Keep it relaxed. Breathe in for two counts through your nose and out for two counts through your mouth.
  • Relax your body and Focus your mind.  Keep every part of your body relaxed, except for the abs and bottom which are ‘engaged.’ Focus straight ahead and let the energy flow through your body from your core (body’s centre). Focusing your mind will keep it from wandering and help it relax.

Running Form

Technique Tips for great Running form

TIMG_1199he foundation of great Running is good posture. The spine should be elongated by standing straight, tall and relaxed, whilst tucking your bottom under body and keepings abs engaged. Use gravity to propel you forward with a moderate lean forward from the ankle. 

Running Form

  • Head.  The head should be erect, with eyes focused forward to a point on the ground about 15 -20 metres away. Keep your neck soft.
  • Shoulders.  The shoulders should be relaxed, square and level. Do not round your shoulders or swing them forwards or backwards. The arm motion should be from the shoulder, not forearms.
  • Arms.  Arms should be swinging freely but in a general forward/backwards motion (in a tight figure of eight), not a circle or a straight line. Elbows should be bent approximately 90 degrees with forearms remaining roughly parallel to the ground. The hands and forearms shouldn’t cross over the body as they swing back and forth. Think about taking the elbow back.
  • Hands.  Hands are held with the palms facing inwards, not down, in a relaxed fist with the thumb resting in the forefinger.
  • Torso.  The torso should be erect, with chest up (open and lifted from the waist) and plenty of room for the diaphragm to move for proper breathing actions. Many runners do have a lean forward slightly from the ankles, not the hips.  Do not slouch, for this will put stress on the lower back.
  • Hips.  The hips should be steady, square and level with no sideways movement.
  • Legs.  The leg action should be relaxed, with pendular movements and moderate knee lift. Legs and arms should move together in a smooth, steady rhythm.
  • Feet.  The foot should strike the surface on heel or mid foot (ball of the foot), in a dorsiflexed position (with the toes pointing forwards not downwards) otherwise this creates a “breaking” motion.  The foot lands below the centre of gravity – just below the hips. On landing the foot should be “light” not heavy, it then “grips and scrapes” the surface.  “Push off” from the ground and let heel float up behind.
  • Knee.  The knee is slightly bent on contact with the surface. The knees should point straight ahead, as if they were headlights of a car.
  • Breathing.  Keep you breathing relaxed. Breathe from your diaphragm, not your chest.  Using a rhythmic breathing pattern (for example breathe in for two counts and out for two counts) throughout your run can help you gain endurance, flow and avoid stitches.